Delete Files Older Than - run from the command line

If you need to remove files on schedule you can run the application without the GUI interface. The application support -f command line switch to run rules in the background, for example:

"<PATH>\MSHSoftware.DeleteFilesOlderThan.exe" -f c:\settings.xml

where settings.xml file is created from Options | Export rules menu.

If you would like to automatically generate CSV report you should use -o parameter, like below:

"<PATH>\MSHSoftware.DeleteFilesOlderThan.exe" -f c:\settings.xml -o c:\reports

Learn more how to run application on schedule.

Output from --help parameter:

MSH Delete Files Older Than 1.3.0
Copyright (C) 2017 MSH Software
Usage: MSHSoftware.DeleteFilesOlderThan.exe -f settings.xml -o c:\reports\
  -f        Settings file path.
  -o        CSV reports output directory path. Optional, should be used only
            with -f parameter.
  --help    Display this help screen.

To learn more visit MSH Delete Files Older Than website.

See also:

Lukasz is a software developer and owner of MSH Software company which builds email processing tools for Microsoft Exchange, Zimbra Collaboration Suite and Postfix. He specializes in server, desktop and web applications written in Java, .NET and C++.